Energised Communications –
From Brussels to Goa

When an international clean energy organisation approached us about wanting to creatively convey their story to governmental ministers at an upcoming meeting in Goa, karma.agency delivered a print publication tailored to the event’s audience.
The 14th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM14) brought the world’s largest and leading countries, international organisations and companies to Goa, India.
Their mission: to accelerate the clean energy transition.
What CEM wanted from us was a creative way of showing what this mission looks like in action.
Creative Direction
Communication Strategy
Project Management
Editing & Proofreading
Graphic Design

The Brief
The client wanted a high-quality deliverable that, using concrete actions, success stories, achievements, facts and figures, would give the reader a clear understanding not of who CEM is – but what it does.
They also wanted this to be a printed publication that they could physically hand out to government ministers during CEM14 in Goa – which was just a few months away.
A tall order, for sure. But one our team of writers, graphic designers and project managers whole-heartedly embraced.
Delivering an Impactful Magazine-Style Publication
Following countless conversations with CEM leadership, CEM members, government entities and energy stakeholders from around the world, we came up with an idea: to create a magazine-style publication that puts the spotlight on what impactful collaboration looks like in practice.
Opening with a general editorial, the publication included eight stand-alone articles, each of which highlights a specific achievement, result, or success.
Collectively, they illustrate how CEM is advancing the clean energy transition.
With an Eye-Catching Design
In addition to conducting the interviews and writing the articles, we also did the design and layout for the publication.
To maximise the publication’s impact, we gave it a contemporary yet professional look, with an easy-to-read layout and an eye-catching design that included professional photos, pull-out quotes and boxed text with facts and figures.

The power of good storytelling
This was an exciting project for karma.agency, one that not only challenged us creatively, but also one that had a real positive impact. Physically delivered to over 1500 ministers and attendees in Goa and emailed to countless more, this publication served as an important tool for recruiting new members and serving as a source of inspiration for the clean energy actions taken during CEM14.
That’s the power of good storytelling.
“You’ve really created a great product for us to send out to members and to hand to minister’s directly in Goa. Speaking on behalf of all the CEM Secretariat, we couldn’t have asked for a better product on such a short timeline. Thank you!”
– Cassandra Etter-Wenzel
“We are really proud of our partnership with karma.agency!”
– Prasoon Agarwal
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